Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia
Hard copy: ISSN 1691–8088
On-line: ISSN 2255–9582
Env Exp Biol (2010) 8: 59–69
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Environmental and

Env Exp Biol (2010) 8: 59–69

Orginal Article

Occurrence of grass-dwelling spiders in habitats of Lake Engure Nature Park

Inese Cera1,2*, Voldemārs Spuņģis3, Viesturs Melecis2
1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Daugavpils, Vienības 13, Daugavpils LV-5401, Latvia
2Laboratory of Bioindication, Institute of Biology, University of Latvia, Miera 3, Salaspils LV-2169, Latvia
3Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology, University of Latvia, Kronvalda Bulv. 4, Riga LV-1586, Latvia
*Corresponding author, E-mail: inese.cera@gmail.com


Ecological studies on spiders in the territory of Latvia have not been conducted recently. We describe grass-dwelling spider fauna in 12 different habitats within the area of Lake Engure Nature Park. Spiders were collected by three sweep-nettings per year during a 12‑year period (1997 – 2008). More than 149 taxa from 19 families were identified. On the basis of similarity in spider fauna shown by cluster analysis, the habitats were divided into two groups. The first group included mostly dry habitats, such as dry wooded meadow, dry coastal meadow, moist coastal meadow, dry pine forests, wet deciduous forest and wet pine forest. The second group were characterised by wet habitats – marshlands and moist calcareous meadow. Dry pine forest was not included in any group due to a low species number and completely different fauna from the other habitats. Only three species were present in a particular habitat for nine or more years: Linyphia triangularis (in a dry pine forest on grey dunes and in a dry pine forest on mineral soil), Tibellus maritimus (in a calcareous fen) and Evarcha falcata (in a dry pine forest on mineral soil).

Key words: Aranea, distribution in habitats, sweep-net, long-term research.

Env Exp Biol (2010) 8: 59–69
 DOI: http://doi.org/10.22364/eeb

Prof. Gederts Ievinsh
Published by
University of Latvia

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