Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia | ||||||
Hard copy: ISSN 1691–8088
On-line: ISSN 2255–9582 Volume 10, Number 1
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Environmental and Experimental Biology |
Volume 10, Number 1 |
Liepiņa L. 2012. Occurrence of fungal structures in bryophytes of the boreo-nemoral zone. Environmental and Experimental Biology 10: 35–40.
Conocephalum salebrosum and AM-like fungi growing from cell to cell (A). AM in Fossonmbronia floevolata thallus with a penetration site of a fungal hypha (B). Fossombronia floevolata with AM fungal hypha and vesicle (C). Rhizoids of Conocephalum salebrosum with AM fungal hyphae (D). H, hyphae; HC, hyphal coils; V, vesicle.