Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia
Hard copy: ISSN 1691–8088
On-line: ISSN 2255–9582
Environ Exp Biol (2024) 22: 59–70
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Environmental and

Environ Exp Biol (2024) 22: 59–70


Mangrove ecosystem in Asia: review and synthesis of ecosystem services and economic valuation methods

Jan Paulo S. Gargaran1, Reymar Dominic Y. Capuno1, Vanessa Faith P. Novicio1, Chuchie C. Petiluna1, Chantal Erika T. Catalba1, Desiree Ann P. Paras1, Jake Joshua C. Garces1,2,3*
1 Department of Biology, College of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Sciences (CCAIS), Cebu Normal University (CNU), Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
2 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Office, Cebu Normal University (CNU), Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
3 National Greening Program (NGP) Office, Cebu Normal University (CNU), Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
* Corresponding author, E-mail: garcesjj@cnu.edu.ph, jakejoshuagarces@yahoo.com


Mangroves provide multiple ecological and socioeconomic benefits in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; however, little is known about their benefits to humans. This study presents a systematic synthesis of the ecosystem services (ESs) and economic valuation methods (EVMs) of mangrove ecosystems in Asia. A total of 28 studies published from 12 countries encompassing 194 observations were reviewed and included in the analysis using Publish or Perish Software. Results revealed that the majority of the mangrove forests in Asia host the genera Rhizophora and Avicennia spp. in the largest proportion, indicating that these genera contribute significantly to mangrove ESs. Market price and factor income methods were the most frequently used EVMs with 96 and 66 value estimates, respectively. Provisioning ecosystem services were valued the most often among ESs types. Moreover, regarding the values of specific ESs, the median values of those that belong to regulating ecosystem services were the highest, specifically erosion prevention (5833.22 $ ha–1 year–1) and moderation of extreme events (3633.69 $ ha–1 year ). Considering contemporary protection and conservation measures, research studies on mangrove ESs and EVMs can be further improved through broader geographic area coverage and improved economic assessment of the rarely studied ESs. Overall, the findings recommend focusing on these gaps, particularly encouraging institutions and policymakers to acknowledge the undervalued ecological and socioeconomic values of mangrove ecosystem services.

Key words: Asia, economic valuation methods, ecosystem services, mangrove ecosystems.

Environ Exp Biol (2024) 22: 59–70
 DOI: http://doi.org/10.22364/eeb.22.06

Prof. Gederts Ievinsh
Published by
University of Latvia

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